Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Finished Website!

In this project we were assigned to create a website using Adobe Dreamweaver. We started off just typing the content but then started to add things like color schemes, pictures and links. I learned that I enjoy web design and that there are many different parts to creating a website. I learned how to pace myself so that I met the deadline of this project. If I did this project again I would pay more attention to the color scheme that I was using and make sure it all matched up. I will take the knowledge that I now have about web design and use it to create a better looking website the next time. The instructions for this project were very well written and easy to follow which made this project really enjoyable.

Final House Animation

 The scope of this project was to create a dream home using Google Sketch Up. The home had to include a roof and other details on it. The process to complete this project was to get familiar with the program by creating a chair first then to start creating a house. Along the way, I learned how to use Sketch Up and that animation wasn't just movies but also things like houses. I also learned how to ask others for help of I was unsure of how to make a certain aspect of the house. If i did this project again I would go back and fix my driveway and grass to make sure they were closer together. The driveway distracts from the house. I would keep the front of my house the same because that is my favorite part of the house and shows my style. This project will help me in the future to take more time on the smaller details. I enjoyed this project after I learned how to use the program.