Tuesday, May 19, 2015

4th Quarter Summary

     The Project
       In our final e-Comm project we were required to create a product with our team members and be able to sell it by final presentations. Our group started off brainstorming ideas for different products and designs. We came up with Snooze Tune, the pillow that plays music. After coming up with our product we had to create a logo, animation, commercial and website. As a team, we all worked together to do different parts of the assignment that we were good at. 

       The Process
      This commercial that I helped film and edit ended up being our final commercial. I learned a lot about technique while editing this because it's very important for your viewer not to be bored. I also learned how to make the commercial edited into 15 minute increments.  I also worked on the final coupon for the website. It helped me work on my graphic design skills and create a simple but attractive coupon.

My Experience
     Participating in this project and being a part of my team was really fun. I learned how to work with three other people and stay on task. We all did a great job of making sure we used our strengths where they were needed and asked for help when we struggled. It was also really fun to see the product start as a sketch on a paper and evolve into a strong company. 
 What I Would Change
    If I ever did this project again I would have started off making sure the group was very clear on what every one was doing. During the animation strand our group had to deal with very unclear instructions. We were able to meet together and discuss how we were going to get everything done, and the product ended up turning out pretty good.