Tuesday, May 19, 2015

4th Quarter Summary

     The Project
       In our final e-Comm project we were required to create a product with our team members and be able to sell it by final presentations. Our group started off brainstorming ideas for different products and designs. We came up with Snooze Tune, the pillow that plays music. After coming up with our product we had to create a logo, animation, commercial and website. As a team, we all worked together to do different parts of the assignment that we were good at. 

       The Process
      This commercial that I helped film and edit ended up being our final commercial. I learned a lot about technique while editing this because it's very important for your viewer not to be bored. I also learned how to make the commercial edited into 15 minute increments.  I also worked on the final coupon for the website. It helped me work on my graphic design skills and create a simple but attractive coupon.

My Experience
     Participating in this project and being a part of my team was really fun. I learned how to work with three other people and stay on task. We all did a great job of making sure we used our strengths where they were needed and asked for help when we struggled. It was also really fun to see the product start as a sketch on a paper and evolve into a strong company. 
 What I Would Change
    If I ever did this project again I would have started off making sure the group was very clear on what every one was doing. During the animation strand our group had to deal with very unclear instructions. We were able to meet together and discuss how we were going to get everything done, and the product ended up turning out pretty good.


Friday, April 10, 2015


Our commercial is for a product called Snooze-Tune. It’s the pillow that plays music via Bluetooth. The pillow works with all ages because it plays your music! Parents will especially love this for their kids because now their kids can fall asleep fast. The pillow is very soft and comfortable to fall asleep on. In this commercial I learned a lot about teamwork and how to film with a group of people. It is important to incorporate everyone’s ideas and make sure everyone is on task. When faced with challenges you have to be able to accept new ideas that might work better. I also learned the importance of entertaining your viewer in the first four seconds. If your viewer gets bored they won’t buy your product and will most likely change the channel. We used the six shot system to show multiple stories through out the video and have smooth transitions.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


This quarter I learned lots of things about video techniques. I learned all about the six shot system and what shots to use to guarantee that my video flows together nicely. This quarter also taught me how to collaborate with lots of different people and create a great video that includes everyone’s ideas. From the beginning of the year, I have come a long way in video. I learned how to use Final Cut Pro and all the shortcuts like favorites and the blade tool. I also learned how to use the camera and tripod, which I had never done before this quarter. The projects we did also let me work with and get to know people I had never talked to before. I will be able to take what I learned from this quarter and apply it to my projects that I do in school and out of school.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chase Scene

In this project, titled The Chase Scene, we were required to film a short video involving a chase scene. I learned how to use my knowledge from the six shot system and apply it when trying to create a story line. In my next project I will do a couple takes of each shot just to make sure you get exactly the shot you want. In this project, we worked in a group of three, which was more difficult than our last projects because you had to make sure everyone was on the same page or you wouldn’t get the correct shots. It was helpful though, when trying to storyboard you had more ideas and perspectives to include in your video. In my next project, I would make sure we went over the storyboard and each shot before actually filming. That way everything is clearer and we would take less time having to stop and clear things up.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hobby Video 2

In this second hobby video I learned a lot about the six shot system. I learned which shots work best when trying to move a person from one location to another. I also learned how to create a smooth video by editing the footage to start and stop at the correct time so it doesn’t look choppy. On my next project I will take even more footage just so I can have more options to choose from and put in my video to make it better quality. I will also storyboard better next time so we can spend more time filming. Collaboration means being able to get along and work with a partner or group. I applied this to my project because you had to be able to clearly communicate and work with your partner in order to get the shots done correctly. Also you had to have patience when you occasionally had to do shots multiple times.