Monday, September 1, 2014

My Personality Type

ESFJ's are very happy and cooperative people. We love to help others with what they need to accomplish and come up with new ideas. We enjoy to spend time with others and spending time with others doesn't drain our energy. When a situation comes up we like to stick to the facts and what we know to solve the problem, but when we have to make a personal decision we trust our feelings. We tend to judge people and instead of being more open about them. Selena Gomez shares this personality type.

 My personality type describes me very well. I am very outgoing and like it when there is harmony. I am trustworthy and loyal. It makes sense that I follow through even with the small things. Knowing these things about my personality makes me understand why I get stressed out when things are not in harmony. Also why I tend to go to activities that involve people.  

When part of a team I tend to fill which ever role will help to accomplish our goal. I am able to step up and lead the group or am able to go along with other people's ideas. I still like to earn credit for which ever role I play though. Some people might misunderstand our need for harmony in the environment and wanting to be appreciated for what we do. Knowing that I am an extravert helps me understand why I struggle to understand introverts who don't like to be involved in school activities or parties. Also introverts may think I'm a little obnoxious because I'm very talkative and loud.

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